Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016


So, like most people our age, Hubby and I send and receive a lot of text messages.  We're not like teenagers, who I'm beginning to realize, send text messages exclusively and almost don't know what to do if their phone actually rings, but we communicate with a lot of people via text.

A few people would occasionally send me a cartoon picture of themselves with a  cute saying, but I never knew where it was from.  They would like something like this...

From my cousin:

From my mother-in-law:

From my brother-in-law:

From my sister-in-law:

From my other sister-in-law:

Well, yesterday I finally asked where these personalized emojis were coming from... apparently an app called Bitmoji... and now Hubby and I have our own little cartoons.

Its pretty pathetic, but last night I was practically willing people to text me so I could write back with a cartoon of myself.  Here are some of my favorites:

And... one final note:

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Very Different

Yesterday was Hubby and my fifth anniversary and the day was so different than our wedding day five years ago.

We watched our wedding video and it was so special to look at the family and friend who traveled from all over to attend our wedding.  Then, also, the gorgeous church, the fancy dress, the decorations, the flowers, the speeches, the ceremony, the vows, the music, the pomp and circumstance, the joy... pretty much the only similar thing between June 25, 2011 and June 25, 2016 was the joy.

Yesterday, we had some friends over for a cook out, and watched our wedding video.  No gorgeous church, fancy dress, decorations, flowers, speeches, ceremony, vows, music, pomp or circumstance... but there was plenty of joy.

The couples who came over were the ones who took my Bradley Childbirth class last winter, so all of them have little babies younger than Howard and Caroline.  Tracey kept saying, "Baby!  Two babies!  More babies!"

Hubby grilled cheeseburgers, we provided drinks and chips, and everyone brought a dish to share.  We sat outside in the shade of our one tree in the yard, and Tracey played in her outdoor wading pool.

 The Bradley students, new babies and me, the teacher.

Then, after the party and afternoon naps, we watched our wedding video and Tracey sat mesmerized by the whole thing.  She recognized all of our family, prayed when the Pastor prayed, clapped when everyone clapped, and danced along with the reception music.  I won a bet with Hubby because he thought she would watch for about 30 seconds and then lose interest.  I thought she'd watch for a little while but both of us were surprised to see her watch the entire video. 

Caroline got some new headbands in the mail and she loved wearing one for our anniversary.

Then, we opened cards and gifts -- pretty low key, but we always at least have cards for each other.  This year he gave me two cars... one with all sorts of pictures on it, which was awesome!

The five year anniversary gift is supposed to be Wood, and Hubby and I were able to incorporate wood into our cards and gifts.  One of Hubby's card to me had a wooden "You & Me" on the front...

... and Hubby's gift was actually a late arrival from Father's Day... but it is also wood.

What a wonderful day and an even more amazing five years.


Saturday, June 25, 2016

Five Years

5 - Years
4 - Jobs
3 - Healthy, Happy Children
2 - Terrific Pets
1 - Home Purchased

...along with countless amounts of teamwork, romance, disagreements, adventures, travel, chaos, joy, hand-holding, cuddles, challenges, encouragement, loyalty, and support.

Happy Anniversary to my amazing Hubby whom I love more today than the day you married me.  Five years feels like the blink of an eye and yet, these have been the best years of my life because of you and the way you love and care for me and our family.  You have made my dreams come true and I thank God every day that you are my husband.  I love you and am so excited for all that lies ahead with you.


And Happy 5th Birthday to our wonderful Lloydey!


Friday, June 24, 2016

Only Emojis

I am not an emoji person... I might use 5 emojis a year -- and usually its in response to someone else writing in emojis -- and probably less now that we have three children.

That said, I thought this looked like fun.

**Disclaimer: these pictures looked different on my phone...

1. Current mood:  💪 💤👏

2. Relationship status:💞💒💍🎩👰👔👍💋

 3. Kids: 💜💚💜  1️⃣➕ 2️⃣  👑🍼🍼  👧👶👶‼️

4. Pets: 🐶🎾💙🐱👑💛

 5. Favorite color: 💜💚

6. Favorite snack: 🍪 😞

7. Favorite drink: 💦☕🍹

8. Favorite season: ☀🍁🏈❄🌷

9. Favorite holiday: ✝🎄❄🌟🎶🎆⛪❤💚🙏

10. What's your job: 👶👶👧🐶🐱👔🙈

11. Current weather:🌝💫💨