Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Letters

  • Dear Hubby, I hope you had a wonderful and happy birthday yesterday.
  • Dear Friday, Thank you for arriving.  I'm so happy you're here!
  • Dear Friends and Celebrities Who are Having Babies, Please stop making it look like so much fun.
  • Dear Car Stereo System, Please never die.  I could not get through my 700+ miles/week without out and my audiobooks!
  • Dear University of Michigan Wolverines, Start playing more impressive football... offense, defense, special teams -- you name it, I want it improved upon!
  • Dear Children and Adults with Siblings, I'm jealous of those relationships and memories you have that I do not, and never will understand.
  • Dear Weekend, Please rest, renew, and rejuvenate me.
 Have a great weekend.

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1 comment:

  1. i feel the same about people who are close with their siblings :(

    Following you now! Happy Friday!! Stop by and say hello! :)


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